兵庫県宝塚市の英会話プリスクール・インターナショナル保育園・英語幼稚園【High Five Kids English Daycare & School】


〒665-0877 兵庫県宝塚市中山桜台2-2-1 中山台ファミリーセンター401

Welcome to High Five Kids English Daycare and School

Bread Day Picnic

Bread Day Picnic

Bread Day Picnic

April 11, 2014Wednesdays at High Five Kids is our bread day, a selection of bread is ordered and all of the children share the same lunch. This last Wednesday we decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and had a picnic in the park. We went to the tree park, 宝塚中山五月台②丁目, all of the children like bread day and to have it outside is a bonus. It was nice to enjoy the cherry blossoms once more this time with the smaller children. We have begun our preparations for Mother’s Day, but I will not be posting any photos of our gift until afterwards, don’t want to spoil the surprise.