兵庫県宝塚市の英会話プリスクール・インターナショナル保育園・英語幼稚園【High Five Kids English Daycare & School】


〒665-0877 兵庫県宝塚市中山桜台2-2-1 中山台ファミリーセンター401

Welcome to High Five Kids English Daycare and School


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2015年 ひつじ年です


2015年が はしまりました。
今年も いっぱい笑って いっぱい楽しんでいきましょう!!

お決まりの福笑いです。目隠ししていないお友達も 大騒ぎしています。
おかめは やっぱり おかめ

みんなで いい年にしましょう


Saturday Schoolで 天使のはねを作成しました。
Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for 天使のはね

前から見ても 後ろからみても とってもキュートです。天使
天使の顔が 笑顔でいっぱい


風邪ひいたりしないように 手洗いうがいをしましょう

High 5 Beetles

High 5 Beetles

High 5 Beetles

The Hi5 beetles are doing better, now that I have added a lot of dead wood I found at the big park. Now some of the beetles stay under the wood and wake up and eat and the sleep and the eat.

It’s a beetles life. [スマイルフェイス]

High Wire Worker

High Wire Worker

When we go to the big park, we sometimes see helicopters or airplanes but this time we saw a worker high up on the electrical wires doing some maintenance.

2014 High Five Kids Art Exhibit

2014 High Five Kids Art Exhibit

2014 High Five Kids Art Exhibit

2014 High Five Kids Art Exhibit

2014 High Five Kids Art Exhibit

2014 High Five Kids Art Exhibit

All the kids took part in making special themed crafts for our annual art
exhibit. The theme for this year’s exhibit was Japan’s Nature.

The cubs and koala class made a chestnut tree, birds and dragon fly’s.

The Penguin, Panda and Dolphin class did a great job making a volcano from
paper mache. Turtles using sticks, yarn and chestnuts. They made pictures of
their hiking trip to the mountain and also of their sweet potato picking
field trip. Also, using the chestnut shell and seeds found in the park they
made a butterfly and flower craft. Great job and lots of fun.


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Saturday Class (Field Trip)

Saturday Class (Field Trip)

Saturday Class (Field Trip)

Saturday Class (Field Trip)

Saturday Class (Field Trip)

Saturday Class (Field Trip)

Saturday Class (Field Trip)

Saturday Class (Field Trip)

Saturday Class (Field Trip)

Saturday Class (Field Trip)

Saturday Class (Field Trip)

Saturday Class (Field Trip)

Saturday Class (Field Trip)

Saturday Class (Field Trip)

November 15th, 2014

Today it was scheduled for our Field Trip. The kids were very excited every time it is field trip, they love to experience traveling with their friends and teachers. We went to the Bicycle Park located near Inadera station. We were lucky to have a beautiful and not so cold weather, perfect for adventure!!

This is our second time going in here. The kids are familiar with the different bicycles I was surprised they could even remember the way of going there!

At first, they bought tickets worth 100yen for a 25 minute ride all you can, we bought 3 tickets and used it consecutively. The kids quickly grabbed what ride they wanted and drove off.

Some kids still can’t ride a bicycle yet, they learned how to pedal, tried to only look forward, and using brakes. They also learned how to say direction words technically to apply in their situations.

After the long ride, the kids got hungry and we decided to eat our lunch where there is sunlight. They ate their snack afterwards.

The kids were satisfied and got their energy back, our next plan is to go to the pet store. On our way there, we saw an "Onsen"? And they offer free "Ashiyu" the kids were really excited to try, the quickly removed their shoes and socks and dipped their feet into the water. Aaaahh~~

In the Pet Store, we saw different kinds of animals, the kids love to talk to the parrot saying "Hi!" "how are you?" And expecting the parrot to talk back, and it did! But only whenever we are about to go, why parrot??

After the pet store, there is a mini slide and they played for a bit. We also took a photo infront of the Christmas tree!

The kids got tired on our way back. But they surely had fun and learned a lot of things using English as their way of communicating.

Learning English the fun way!

Gino J.

koalas & cubs in the park

koalas & cubs in the park

koalas & cubs in the park

They can wait until teacher says "Play time! ":-D


